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Yesu Rembi Ma Nosechwer

Yesu, rembi ma nosechwer
Maluoko richona,
Nochwer mondo ayud warruok,
Koa e ng`eti, Ruoth.

Rembi, Ruodhwa, luoko richo;
Aluokrae abet maler;
Adendo Ruoth nikech rembe,
Ma nochwerna e Kalwari.

Abedo chwech manyien koro,
Kuom remono maler;
Dhano machon otho koro,
Angima kuom Yesu.

Awuotho gi ngima manyien,
Mar loyo piny gi keth;
Chunya ler bende wuodha ler,
Ka Kristo dak koda.

Ng`wono miwuoro mar Jawar,
Kopwodha gi rembe;
Yesu ma nothona e yath,
En Ruodh chunya koro.

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