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Be Yesu Ling`?

Be Yesu ling`
ka chunya otur,
Kuom dwaro mor
kata wer;
Saa ma ting` tura
parruok be ola,
ka wuoth bedo
maolo chuny?

Ee, orita mano adier;
Kuyona mulo chunye;
Ka aol godiechieng`,
Kaluor gotieno,
adier Jawar rita (adier).

Be Yesu ling`
ka chunya opong`
kod buok be
luoro mathoth;
Kodiechieng` rumo
kotieno chopo,
bende obedo

Be Yesu ling`
saa ma tem matek
asekedogo motama;
Ka chunya kuyo
hoch be ongena,
kata pi wang`a
chwer malit?

Be Yesu ling`
ka tho pogoa
mahero chuth;
Ka chunya kuyo
kachiegni gi tho,
be oling` ma
ok onena?

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