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Adwaro Bet Buti

Adwaro bet buti, Nyasaye Wuora;
Abed buti chutho, Yesu Ruodha
Ndalo duto abed buti Nyasaye Wuora;
Asik buti pile Nyasaye Wuora.

Achalo gi jawuoth e pinyni ka;
Kar yueyo ongena, ler onge be;
To adwaro siko buti Nyasaye Wuora,
Asik buti pile Nyasaye Wuora.

Duto mimiyoa kuom ng`wononi,
Giywayo chunya chuth, abed buti;
Nyisa wang`yo mari, en e ma mond` alu;
Asik buti pile, Nyasaye Wuora.

Kendo gi tekona nadend nyingi;
In Lwandana, Ruodha, In warruokna;
Kata e masira, apadora kuomi,
Asik buti pile, Nyasaye Wuora.

Kochier a e liel ching` bironi,
Adonj ka ma Intie, Nyasaye Wuora;
Nayud mor mochwere e dalani maber,
Nabed buti pile, ma nyaka chieng`.

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