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Yesu Kristo Oberna Ngang`

Ywaya machiegni kodi, Ruodha;
Ywaya iri, Jawarna maber ngang`;
Ruoth, geng`a kiuma gi bwombi,
Mond` ayud yueyo gi kuwe man kuomi;
Mond` ayud yueyo gi kuwe man kuomi.

Ywaya machiegni kuom ng`wononi;
Onge gima dakel ni Jawarna,
To mana richo man e chunya;
Yiena mondo ipwodha gi rembi,
Yiena mondo ipwodha gi rembi.

Ywaya machiegni, abet mari;
Chunya mor kaweyo richo gi keth,
Mor mag piny duto, pak gi sunga;
Miya Ruodha, Yesu ma nothona;
Miya Ruodha, Yesu ma nothona.

Asik buti ka pod angima,
Kachungo kuomi In e Lwandana;
To nyaka chieng` anabed kodi,
Buti machiegni, Yesu Jawarna,
Buti machiegni, Yesu Jawarna.

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