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Yesu Jakwath Madieri

Yesu Jawkath madieri, Oluongou tinde;
Mondo udonj e kunde, To nunwang` kuwe maber.
Biuru jo madongo, Biuru nyithindo,
Donjur` e kul mar Yesu, To En Jakwath maber.

Oluongowa nikech oherowa, 'Un jo moruenyo biuru ira.'
Ochungo koritowa gi kinda, Yesu Jakwadh maler.

Yesu Jakwath madieri, Nochiwo ngimane;
Oluongo jo moruenyo, Mondo gibi ire.
Returu a e kethruok, Yesu owachonu;
Donjur` ekul mar Yesu, To En Jakwath maber.

Kwadeko to wafuwo, Satan ni e piny ka,
Kotemo mako rombe, odwaro negogi.
Yesu Jakwath madieri, oluongou koro;
Donjur` e kul mar Yesu, To en Jakwath maber.

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