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Yesu In Miheroa

Yesu, In miheroa,
Yiena mond` aring iri;
Yesu ruaka, In mang`won,
Pod aonge teko ka.
To masira loyoa,
Piny otera kumabor;
Ok aneno yo maber,
To ahombi konya ka.

Kristo, In miromona,
In mimiya hap Nyasaye,
In michango jo matuo,
In mihero jo motho;
Yesu In maler adier,
An arach moloyo ji;
Richo e mokethoa,
Buchi e moloyoa.

Yo machielo ok adwar,
In Iwuon e wang` yora,
Kik idaga, kik iling`,
sira, hoya, ng`wonna.
Ee, Jakony, agenoi,
Tekoni ichiwona;
Chungi buta nyaka chieng`;
Demba, rita, kik alal.

Yesu, miya ng`wononi,
Golna richo duto te,
Hombo to ahomboi;
Luoka, guda, Konya chuth,
Bedi koda nyaka chieng`,
Nyisa tich michikoa;
Dag e chunya, kik ia,
Ndalo duto nyaka chieng`.

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