Yesu, Isesingo
Yesu isesingo,
kata ji manok
chokore e nyingi,
inibed kodgi;
Wan wageno wachni,
ka walemo ka;
Yesu, bi igwedhwa,
fwenyrinwa koro.
Yesu, bi igwedhwa,
ka waling` kae;
Yesu, bi igwedhwa,
bed butwa pile.
Nisebedo kodwa
ndalo mokadho;
To wadwari kodwa
nyaka piny ogik;
Binwa, yaye Jawarwa,
nyiswa ng`wononi;
Winjwa kendo yienwa,
gwedhwa kwalemo.
Yesu, konywa mondo
wapaki maber;
Bedi Kuom alamwa
ma walami go.
Mond` itegnwa yiewa,
kijiwo chunywa;
Pong` chunywa gi hera,
menynwa wang` yorwa.
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