Wuothi E Ler Mar Ruoth Nyasaye
Wuothi e ler mar Ruoth Nyasaye, mamenyo wang`yori;
Muche maler, moa malo, nyalo riembo mudho.
Wuo...thi e ler...(wuothi e ler, wuoth e ler maber mar Nyasaye).
Wuo...thi e ler...Wuo..thi e ler, wuothi e lerno mar Nyasaye.
Wuothi e ler mar puonj Ruodhwa, moa kuom Wach Nyasaye;
Ler matelo ni nyithindo, moyie Weche Nyasaye.
Wuothi kata mudho olil modino wang`yori;
Mudho noringi e nyim ler, mar Ruoth ma nyaka chieng`.
Wuothi e ler eka ning`e kaka Ruoth oheri;
Wanabed gi winjruok maduong`, moloyo mar piny ka.
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