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Wanachokre E Aora?

Wanachokre e aora?
Ka ma nitie pi ngima,
Pi mamit mawuok e Lwanda,
E kar kom duong mar Nyasaye.

Wanachokre e aora!
Jo maler duto ginirom kanyo,
Wanachokre but aoch ngima,
Mamol but kom duong` Nyasaye.

Ka wawuotho but aora,
E pinyruoth mar Nyasachwa,
Wanabed kwalemo pile,
Wanadend nyinge pile.

To ka pok wachopo kanyo,
Wanawe ting`wa duto;
Much Nyasaye nomi chunywa kuwe,
Wanayud osimb locho.

E dho aoch pi mar ngima,
Jawarwa oritowa;
Nyaka chieng` ok wanapogre,
Wanapak nyinge gi wer.

Aora odong` machiegni,
Eka wuodhewa norum;
Eka wanabed mamor chuth,
Wanayud kuwe nyaka chieng`.

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