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Un Jowuoth To Udhi Kanye?

Un jowuoth, to udhi kanye?
Un maneno nyima ka.
Wan wadhiyo dala Ruodhwa,
Wan wawuotho ku mabor.
Wan wadhiyo ku mabor,
to Wan wadhi ka piny moloyo;
Wan wadhiyo piny mar Ruodhwa,
Piny moloyo pinje te.

Nyiswa gi mudwaro yudo,
Kusetundo piny maber.
Wanayudi gik moloyo,
Yesu madhi miyowa.
Wanane Jakonywa kucha,
Gi Nyasaye to wanabedi;
Nyaka chieng` to wanasiki,
Kwasetundo piny maber.

Un jowuoth to un uyie
Mondo wan wadhi kodu?
Ee, biuru, kik udeki,
Ber udhi kachiel kodwa.
Biuru, to kik uwewa,
Yesu e moruako duto;
Enoyie mondo udonji,
Mond` usiki piny maber.

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