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To Pakuru Ruoth

To pakuru Ruoth me polo malo;
Weruru maber: ohero adier;
En lwanda mageno, Makonyo duto;
Mosiko mochwere, mipako chutho.

To paruru piny, en hono maduong`,
Gi nam, kodi yien, gi gode kod lum;
Wawuoro ngang` rieko maloso kama;
wapako Nyasachwa manyisowa ma.

Gik moko me piny onyisowa ma,
Nyasachwa oduong`, oler adiera;
Oherowa duto gotieno gokinyi;
Omiyowa ngima, orito mang`won.

Jo malaika gipako mamor,
Jatelo maduong` mohero jopiny;
To wan jo mireso wadende maber,
Wapaki adiera kama nyaka chieng`.

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