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Ruoth Yesu, Nithona

Ruoth Yesu, nithona,
koro aheri;
Kuom tekoni nawe
richona duto;
In ma Jawar mang`won,
rembi nochwerna;
Koro, Yesu Ruodha,
aheri adier.

Aheri nikech
nihera mokwongo;
Niting`o richona
e yadh Kalwari;
Nichandori malit
nikech richona;
Koro, Yesu Ruodha,
aheri adier.

Anaheri pile
nyaka chieng` thona;
Anapaki pile
ka pod angima;
Ka ngimana norum,
to pod nawachni,
Koro Yesu Ruodha,
aheri adier.

Eka kwadak kodi
e dala Nyasaye,
E piny Ruoth manyienno
nadendi pile.
Kosidhna osimbo
napaki kawer;
Koro, Yesu Ruodha,
aheri adier.

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