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Ruoth Yesu, Agomobo Bedo Ng`ati

Ruoth Yesu, agombo bedo ng`ati chuth;
In mond` idag e chunya pile pile;
Gol kuoma maricho gi tim ma ok ler;
Luoka gi rembi mond` abedi mapoth.

Luoka mapoth, iluoka mapoth;
Pwodha gi rembi, mond` abedi mapoth.

Ruoth Yesu, para gi e polo malo;
Ikonya ni mond` achiwrani chutho,
Misango mangima, maler, malong`o;
Luoka gi rembi mond` abedi mapoth.

Ruoth Yesu, akwayoi gi chuny mamuol,
Arito koro ni mondo igwedha;
Rembi mond` oguda kuom duto mak ler;
Luoka gi rembi mond` abedi mapoth.

Ruoth Yesu, aling` nyimi ka ageno,
Ni mondo ichwena chuny manyien chutho;
To jogo makwayi ok iniriembgi;
Luoka gi rembi mond` abed mapoth.

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