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Puonja Wach Biblos

Puonja wach Biblos,
en sulwe morienynwa,
Kokonyo ji
machandore e yo;
Onge bor polo
manyalo im lerne,
Onyiso kaka
Yesu dwarowa.

Miya wach Biblos,
Wach maler marienynwa.
Lerni notaya
e wang`yo madiny;
Nopuonja chikni,
gi singruokni duto,
Nyaka lerni notieko
mudho me piny.

Miya wach Biblos,
ka chunya ohewa,
Kapong` gi luoro
kuom kuyo gi keth;
Weche mamit ma
noa e dho Yesu
Ginijiw chunya
mond` agen Jawar.

Miya wach Biblos
mondo meny wang`yora,
Puonja kuom chwanyruok
mantie e piny ka;
Lerno madieri
noneg mudho duto,
Lerno manyalo
menyonwa yor kuwe.

Miya wach Biblos,
tach ngima mochwere,
Ting`e malo
kichung` e dho liel;
Nyisa lerno
morienynwa a e polo,
Otayowa e yo madhi polo.

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