Ok Ageno Gimoro Ngang`
Ok ageno gimoro ngang`,
To remb Yesu kod dimbruokne;
Ok dak agen ng`ato moro,
Ayiengora kuom nying Yesu.
Kuom Lwanda Yesu achungo,
En kende manyalo geno,
En kende manyalo geno.
Kata mudho umo wang`a,
Apadora kuom ng`wonone;
En ok onyalo lokore,
En loch mak nyal pudhore.
Rembe gi misango mare
E ma ageno chutho ka;
Gik man e piny kadho duto,
Ruoth Jawarna e moroma.
En ka nobi kigoyo bu,
Mond` oyuda ka an ng`ate;
Koruaka gi dimbruok mare
Nabed maler e nyim kom duong`.
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