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O Yesu, An Adwaro

O Yesu, an adwaro Atini nyaka chieng`
Asayi bedi buta, Ruodha ma jakonya.
Ok analuor lwenj Satan ka In ibet buta;
Yo maber ok aweyo ka In itelona.

Mondo ang`e in koda, Pinyni oywayoa;
Aneno gik magombo, Dwonde matemoa;
Wasika gi gilwora, Kendo gin e chunya;
O Yesu, bi, ikonya, Mondo alo Satan.

O Yesu, isewacho duto molu bang`i,
Ka ma intie e duong`ni Ginibedi bende.
To Yesu, an adwaro Atini nyaka chieng`;
Asayi konya pile, Ruodha ma Jawarna.

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