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Nying Yesu Mondo Yudi Pak

Nying Yesu mondo yudi pak,
Ji mondo gidende;
Malaika me polo ku,
Miuru Ruodhu duong`.
Malaika me polo ku
Miuru Ruodhu duong'

Miuru Ruoth duong` e chunyu,
Geneuru kende;
Ting` nyinge malo
kuom jopiny,
Miuru Ruodhu duong`.
Ting` nyinge malo
kuom jopiny,
Miuru Ruodhu duong'

Un jo moketho, paruru
Kaka nogur Yesu;
Nowaru gi rembe maler,
Miuru Ruodhu duong`.
Nowaru gi rembe maler,
Miuru Ruodhu duong'.

Un jo mong`eyo ng`wono Ruoth,
Un ma koth Israel,
Hereuru, pake gi wer,
Miuru Ruodhu duong`.
Hereuru, pake gi wer,
Miuru Ruodhu duong`.

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