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Nyasaye Gwedh Skundwa Mar Sabato

Nyasaye, gwedh Skundwa mar Sabato,
Bedi Jatendwa, kwachokore;
Tawa gi rieko gi herani,
Kwaluwo yori.

Skund Sabato konyowa;
Skund Sabato konyowa;
Mondo wasom Wach Nyasaye pile,
Ndalo duto te.

Chwo, to gi mon, gi nyithindo be;
Chokore mond` giwinj Wachni;
Muchi Maler obed Japuonjwa
Kwasomo Wachni.

Weche mwawinjo e Skundwa ka;
Mi mondo gimoki e chunywa;
Mondo wawuoth kuomgi e nyim ji;
Kwaluwo ndachi.

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