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Nyasachwa Man Malo

Nyasachwa man malo,
Wuon teko duto
Onge teko moro
mak tekone adier;
Onge ng`ato moro
miporo go Nyasaye.
En Ruoth ruodhi, be
Nyasach nyiseche.

Hera mar Nyasachwa,
Hera adieri
En nooro Yesu
nikech noherowa;
Ne Yesu othonwa
mondo kik walal ngang`,
To wanahere
kak` owinjore.

Ng`wono mar Nyasachwa,
ng`wono mochwere;
Oloso ji duto,
okonyogi pile;
Kik wacha Nyasachwa,
to wamiye duong` chuth,
En Wuon ng`wono,
gi hera, gi teko.

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