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Nitie Remo Ma Nochwer

Nitie remo ma nosechwer,
Ne en remb Immanuel;
Jo maricho koluokoree,
Gipwodhore maler.
Gipwodhore maler,
Gipwodhore maler;
Jo maricho koluokore,
Gipwodhore maler.

Jamecho cha e kar thone
Noyudo mor kuome;
To an bende ma ok aler,
Noluokna kethna te.
Noluokna kethna te,
Noluokna kethna te;
To an bende ma ok aler,
Noluokna kethna te.

Remb Nyarombo ma nonegi,
Obedo gi teko
Mar pwodho jogo magene,
Ni kik giketh kendo.
Ni kik giketh kendo,
Ni kik giketh kendo;
Mar pwodho jogo magene,
Ni kik giketh kendo.

Nyaka nageno remono
Mochwer e Kalwari,
Apako hera mar Jawar,
Moherowa kama.
Moherowa kama,
Moherowa kama;
Apako hera mar Jawar,
Moherowa kama.

Ruoth, kat` an ng`a
marach kama,
Kuom ng`wononi maduong`
Isewara, ilosona,
Kar bet ma nyaka chieng`.
Kar bet ma nyaka chieng`,
Kar bet ma nyaka chieng`
Isewara, ilosona,
Kar bet ma nyaka chieng`.

To kisechiera a e liel,
Miresa a e piny
Anapaki pile gi wer,
Kuom mar miwarago.
Kuom war miwarago,
Kuom war miwarago;
Anapaki pile gi wer,
Kuom war miwarago.

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