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Nawinjo Yesu Kowacho

Nawinjo Yesu kowacho,
'Bii Ira mond` iyue;
In ng`a mojony,
bi mond` iyue,
Iyud yueyo kuoma.'
Nabirone kaka nabet,
Najony, naol chutho;
Yesu nomiyoa yueyo,
Omiyo chunya mor.

Nawinjo Yesu kowacho,
'Namii pi ngima;
Ka riyo maki, bi ira,
modhi, iyud ngima.'
Nabirone mit namodho,
pigno momiyoa;
Riyo norumo, to koro
angima kuom Ruodha.

Nawinjo Yesu kowacho,
'Abedo ler mar piny;
Ng`iya koro, mudho norum,
nibed gi ler pile.'
Nang`iyo Yesu, mayudo,
ler kaka mar wang` chieng`;
Nawuothi koro e lerno
nyaka wuodha norum.

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