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Muya Maler Jatendwa

Muya Maler, Jatendwa,
Ibedo butwa pile;
Telnwa mos e wang`yori,
Wan jowuoth e piny marach;
Ji gimor ka giwinjo
Dwol mamit kokonigi:
'Jawuoth, dak ibi ira;
Lu bang`a, anatelni.'

In Jakonya, Osiepa chutho,
Mantie kodwa pile ka;
Kik iwewa gi parruok,
Ka wabedo e mudho;
Ka yembe kudho matek,
Chunywa bedo kod luoro;
Luongwa, 'Jawuoth, bi ira;
Lu bang`a anatelni.'

Ka tichwa oserumo,
Wagombo yudo yueyo;
Onge gi ma warito
Mak mana polo kende;
Onge gi ma wageno
To mana remb Jawarwa;
Luongwa, 'Jawuoth, lu bang`a,
Iniyud yueyo malo.'

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