Muya Maler, Winj Alamwa
Muya Maler, winj alamwa.
Mondo idag e chunywa;
Gi tekoni duto ilor,
Muya Maler, ibi.
Bi kaka ler! Mond` ifwenynwa
Kethwa, Kitwa maricho;
Mond` itelnwa e yor ngima,
En yor jo mabeyo.
Bi kaka mach, ipwodh chunywa,
Kuom gik maricho duto;
Mondo wachiwre ni Ruodhwa,
Misango mangima.
Bi kaka koth, mi igwedhwa,
Ka pod wan nyimi kae;
Dak ipong`wa gi tekoni,
Kiloyo chunywa chuth.
Kaka yamo mondo ibi,
Gi teko kaka chon cha;
Mondo warruok man kuom Yesu,
Olandre piny duto.
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