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Kik Ibarna, Yaye Jakonya

Kik ibarna, yaye Jakonya,
Winji yuak mara;
In Kiluongo jo mamagi,
Mond` iluonga be.

Yesu, Yesu,
Winji yuak mara;
In Kiluongo jo mamagi,
mond` iluonga be.

An kaparo ng`wono mari
chunya yudo kuwe;
Ka agoni chonga piny ka,
Jawarna, Konya.

An ageno nyingi kende,
Adwaro neni;
Changi chunya moseketho,
Wara gi rembi.

Miwaso ohewa kodi,
To agombi nga`ng;
Ere ng`a maromo kodi
E piny gi polo?

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