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Keyo Mar Pinyni

Keyo mar pinyni to koro chiegini;
Ruoth dwaro jokeyo ni mondo gibi,
Kendo gika chambe e puothe duto,
Mond` okan e deche ka Ruodhwa biro.

Ndalono.... chiegni, Kauru...... chambe
(Un jokeyo ret uru, ret uru, Kauru cham mar Ruodhwa, mar Ruodhwa;)
Ndalono.....chiegni, Ruoth biro
(Un jokeyo returu, returu, Ruoth chiegni biro.)

Ndalono mochwere, ma pi wang` onge,
Okayo machiegni, ochiegni koro;
To yamo mar richo dwaro keyo cham,
Returu ukawe, pod kinde nitie.

Kwatiyo gi hera to en tich mamit;
Konyruok anwa malo, konyruok mosiko;
Ruodh hera moluongwa, wadhi wamak tich;
Cham ritowa koro to keyono duong`.

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