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Jokeyo Ni Kanye?

Jokeyo ni kanye mondo tim tich
Mar kayo cham maber e piny marach?
Pand keyo en adier mar Wach Nyasaye,
To yueyo onge nyaka tich rumo.

Ere jokeyo? Ng`a ma nobi
Ni mond` oriwre e tich maber ni Ruoth?
Ng`a ma nokonywa timo tichni
Mar kayo cham maber e puoth Ruoth?

Dhiuru udwargi e mier duto;
Cham maber nitie kata buya ng`eny;
Timuru teko, moro kik lalnu;
To chokuru duto e mor mar Ruoth.

Puothe koro chiek kwonde duto te;
Koro tich mar keyo oritowa;
To jokeyo nok, kendo tich duong` ngang`;
Kwatimo samuoyo cham biro lal.

Biuru koro, un yawuot dhano,
Tiuru kanyakla mar choko cham;
Tiuru matek nyaka Ruoth biro,
Eka unudonji e mor mar Ruoth.

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