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In Migeno Chamo Mwandu Me Polo

In migeno chamo mwandu me polo,
Nang`o inindo kichiegni chopo?
Chiew chunyi koro,
twe gi lwenji duto;
Tim kinda, to ndalo kadho piyo.

In migeno chamo mwandu me polo,
Nang`o igalri kichiegni donjo?
Chungi iikri, Jawarwa obiro;
Iromne kolor e boche polo.

Timbe mag pinyni
kik mond` olomb chunyi;
Duto mag piny kadho kendo rumo;
Chod oko gigo mosetweyo chunyi,
Kigeno chopo kawo gikeni.

Wang`i kik riwni,
to mond` ing`i malo,
Kikiyo biro mar Ruodhwa maduong`;
Ndalono chiegni, lerne dwaro neno;
Waikre mar romo kod Ruoth gi mor.

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