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E Loka Nam

E loka nam mopogo kind
Piny chandruokni kod gik mak ne,
Nitie pinyno ma ok norum
Ka ma pi, wang` noywe duto.

E loka nam e nam mogingore,
Awinjo duond Jawarna ka luonga;
Ndalo chiegni mawanawe chandruok,
Mawanadag gi Ruoth manyaka chieng`

E loka nam e dho wadh kuwe
Kama richo duto norum ;
Kama chandruok ok nobedie
Tiende mool noyud yweyo.

Onge paro gik mokadho
Chunya mool noyud teko;
Pi wang`wa ok nochwer kendo
Wenge mool none Jawar.

E loka nam kar kuwe gi mor
Yesu luongo nyithinde te;
E loka nam parruok norum
Malaika wero wend ruak.

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