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Diyie Dak Kod Yesu

Diyie dak kod Yesu,
mond` ibed maler pile?
Diyie wuoth kode
e yo madiny koso?
Diyie mond` okaw ting`ni
duto koting`oni?
Yiene ni mond` otelni.

Tekone nyalo
losi makare,
Rembe nyalo
luoko chunyi maler;
Hera mare nyalo
mi chunyi mor;
Diber kiyie mondo
Ruoth otelni.

Diyie mond` ogonyi
kendo iwinj wach mare?
Donge ing`eyo kuwe
ma chiwruok kelo?
Ok diher mond` owari,
kik ipodhi e keth?
Yiene ni mond` otelni.

Diher yud kar bet
e pinyruodhe malo koso?
Diher ng`eyo tekone
mar loyo tem?
Idwaro tiyo ni Ruoth
gi tekoni duto?
Yiene ni mond` otelni.

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