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Di Po Ka Nobed Saa

Di po ka nobed saa ma wang` chieng` opilre,
Kama ler oketho mudho mar otieno,
Ma Yesu nobi koa polo gi duong`ne
Ni mond` okaw joge e piny.

Nyaka karang`o RuothYesu,
eka wanakogi; Alleluya!
Yesu biro! Alleluya, Amin!
Alleluya, Amin!

Koso odiechieng`, koso ka piny oyuso,
koso odiewuor, Ma mudho chieng` noturnwa,
kod lerno malich; Ma norieny a e polo,
Ka Ruoth Yesu omo joge.

Ogandane duto nokogi, Hosana!
Malaika, To gi joge maler duto,
ka Malaika kowe e boche polo,
Ka Ruoth Yesu omo joge.

Nikech wan wakiya ndalo ma nobie,
Onego warit chunywa mondo waikre,
Chieng`no kik powa, kendo bura kik lowa,
Ka Ruoth Yesu omo joge.

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