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Daher Tiyo Kodi, Ruodha

Daher tiyo kodi, Ruodha,
Gi mor moloyo;
Kachiwora mar tieko
tichni E pinje duto.

Kawa, Yesu kawa chutho,
Pong` chunya, ringra;
Puonja luwo bang`i pile,
Katimo wachni.

Malaika marateke,
Tiyoni gi ng`wech;
Wagombo bedo kamano,
Jotich malong`o.

Pile, pile miwa teko,
Geno mana In;
Eka chieng` ma Yesu wiro,
Tich norum chutho.

Yiera,Yesu, mond` atini,
Kata ni jomwa;
Ok anyal gimoro kenda,
Taya saa duto.

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