Chunguru Matek Kuom Ruoth
Chunguru matek
kuom Ruoth Nyasachwa,
Kuneno chandruok,
ka temruok biro;
En e tekowa,
bende ngimawa
Ka richo dwaro lowa.
Wachunguru matek,
wachunguru matek,
Kuom Kristo ma Lwandawa;
Ka wadhil e lwenjwa,
wanabed gi mor,
Kod jogo molworo kom duong`.
Chungi kuom adier
kiwuotho e piny,
Bed gi chuny maler
kod yie motegno;
Kwageno Ruodhwa,
wanalo chutho
Richo duto manie piny.
Chung` matek, gene,
nomiyi loyo;
Enoriti pile
e piny marach;
Kristo Ruoth kende
mamiyi yueyo
Ka chandruok
mar piny rumo.
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