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Aseyudo Osiep Maber

Ruodha, aheri maradier,
Moloyo mor mar piny;
Nikech imiya kuwe mari
Ma piny ok nyal ketho.

To ji mang`eny pok ong`eyo (ong`eyo) Herani modhiero;
To ji mang`eny pok ong`enyo (ong`eyo) Rembi moseluoka (oluoka).

Ang`eyo Intie buta, Ruoth, Moloyo ji me piny;
Kaparoi ayudo mor Moloyona mor piny.

Iketo morni e chunya, Ma piny ok nyal golo;
Da ok abed gi herani, Kuyo dipong` chunya.

Kwayudo mor e ngimawa Kwawuotho kodi ka,
To wanayud mor manade Kwaneni Wang` gi Wang`.

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