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Ase Chop` E Piny Mar Mwandu

Ase chop` e piny mar mwandu,
Ma pithne nwang`ore nono;
Kawuono chieng` orieny maler,
Manyiso ler manyaka chieng`.

O piny maber, piny maber ngang`,
Kang`iyo gi e wi godi,
Ka wang`a kadho e wi nam`
Aneno dhowath maber ngang`,
Ka ma ilosonae kar dakna
mochwere e polo.

Jawar biro wuotho koda,
Bende sawo wachamo ngang`,
Otelona mos kod luete,
Ni kech ma e polo maler.

Mo mang`we ng`ar owirago,
ma tikne a e yadh ngima,
Ma thiepege ok nyal nur ngang`,
Ma `och ngima molie pile.

Yamb imbo ma biro ira,
Dwond wer mamit okelona,
Kaka malaika maler wero
wer mamit mar warruok.

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