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Aparo Tinende Kuom Pinyno

Aparo tinende
kuom pinyno miwuoro,
Ma anachopie ka
chieng` podho;
Kachungo but Jawar,
kosidhna osimbo,
Norieny gi
sulwe maler koso?

Koso sulwe nobedi
e osimbona,
Ka ngimana
mepinyni rumo?
Kachiew gi hawi
mar bedo e yueyoni,
Sulwe norieny
e osimbona?

Kuom teko mar Jawar
mond` ati kend` alem,
Mond` atim rito ka jalok ji;
Ni mondo awinj dwond
Ruodha kowachona,
'Bi, idonj e morna koro.'

Nobed mor manade
ka aneno wang`e,
Ngimana anaket e luete;
Sulwe nobedna duong`
e dala dhahabu,
Ka ma nayudie gweth
nyaka chieng`.

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