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Anayie Ruoth Yesu Kende

Anayie Ruoth Yesu kende, asewinjo wach mare;
Onge gi manyalo loyo ng`ato mogeno Yesu.

Anayie, anayie, anayie wachne kende;
Anayie, anayie, anayie wachne kende.

Kethna duto awe kuome, enoluoka gi rembe;
Enorita nyaka chieng` ka notera ka Nyasaye.

Koro ok aluor gi moro, chunya koro genoi;
Kata yora timo mudho, Yesu ni lerna pile.

Chunya amiyo Ruoth Yesu, ringra bende amiye;
Ndalo duto enorita nyaka chieng`ma noduogi.

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