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Anane Wang` Yesu Kristo

Anane wang` Yesu Kristo,
Kobir` eboche polo;
Nabedi mamor moloyo
Ka Yesu owir` e piny.

Anane wang` Yesu Kristo,
Yesu Ruoth ma Jawarwa;
Ka ageno Yesu pile,
To chieng` moro nowara.

An to pok aneno Yesu,
To ayiee gi chunya;
Chieng`kofwenyore e polo,
Ananene kak` obet.

Pinyni orachna moloyo,
nikech tho gi tuo nitie;
Anamor kaneno Yesu,
Ok nane chandruok kendo.

Yesu Kristo en Jang`wono,
Nosetho ni ji duto;
Mondo ng`a moseyie kuome
Kik olal ma nyaka chieng`.

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