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Ahero Nyiso Weche

Ahero nyiso weche
kuom gik mantie malo;
Kuom Yesu to gi duong`ne,
gi herane bende;
Ahero poro wachne
nikech gin adiera;
Gimiya mor e chunya
ma piny ok nyal miya.

Ahero poro weche
kuom Yesu ma Jawarwa;
Kata e polo malo
nahul hera Yesu.

Ahero poro weche
kuom Yesu ma Jawar;
En wach mamitna chutho
moloyo gik mag piny;
Ahero poro duto
ma Ruoth notimona;
Chunya ochuna pile
ni mond` ahul berne.

Ahero nyiso wachne,
en wach maberna ngang`;
Pile kanyiso ng`ato,
omitna moloyo;
Ahero nyiso jogo
ma pok owinjo ngang`,
Kaka Yesu othonwa
mond` omiwa ngima.

Ahero poro wachne;
kata jo mang`eye
Aneno pod gihero
winjo wach Ruoth Yesu;
Kendo e polo malo
kawero wer manyien,
Napor wach kuom Jawarwa,
weche mahero ngang`.

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