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Jecu ocike kedwa, wan wa jo mere,
Ka wa bedo kacel, yin i tye botwa,
Kop meri wa mito, oyomo cunywa,
Bed dong kedwa kane, i timwa kica.

Ch. Yecu bin ba bot wa,
wan wa otye akuri,
gum meri obed kedwa,
ka wacokere.

Nino ducu Rwot wa yin itye kedwa,
Amani bed kedwa i ka coke ni,
Pe iwek wa ken wa wan wamito yin,
Ama Yecu bye ba, me wek waneni.

Yecu kony wa dange, ka waworo yin,
Wer ma wabiwero, omi cunyi yom,
Cuk ba cunywa matek, me ni maro yin,
Nino duc wa mede, wa bed calo yin.

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