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Pe tye ngat moro mupore ilobo kan
Kono jo maye nying Yecu
Ma en Yecu olwoko kede remo ne.
Gin aye gi bi bedo bote.

Wulwoke, ki remo
Nilonyo ginabala me wu,
Pe wubi lonye ka Yecu pe kedwu,
Wulwoke ki remo pa Yecu.

Remo pa Yecu bi lonyo wu mada
Jo mingming yi aduno
Ento pe uri wu bino oyotyot,
Ni lwoko aduno meg wu duc.

Ikom ceng ma Yecu lalar bidwogo
Kede tek kede deyo ma dwong
Jo ma pe gulwoke pe gibidonyo iye
Karacel ki Yecu i polo.

Gibi lworo nineno nyim pa Yecu
Lworo bino bedo ma dwong.
Ento k ape gulwoke pe gi bi donyo,
Nino ma Yecu bi dwogo.

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