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Yecu yin lakwat in lalar mera,
Bed kedwa nino ducu,
Miwa cem meri maya i polo,
Miyo wa bed jo meri,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Yin iwilobo wan jo ni,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Yin iwilo wan jo ni

Wan otino ni itimwa kica,
Telwa me wot iyo eri,
Wan lwak mere igwoko wa boti,
Ka wa rwenyo iyenyo wa,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Iwiny wa ka wa kwayi,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Iwinywa ka wa kwai yin.

Yecu in iye ni wa bin boti,
Kadi wan jo mubalo,
Yecu pi kica meri yin lonywa,
Lwakwa kede remoni,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Wa lwoke wadwog boti,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Wa loke wa dwog boti.

Konyowa miwa oti gin mamyero,
Miyo jo pako nyingi,
Rwot ma ber lalar wa en Yecu,
Pong cunywa ki cuny meri,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Imaro wa mara mu gik,
Yecu kricito, Yecu kricito,
Imaro wa mara mu gik.

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