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Yecu in yom cuny mewa,
Yin i bedo ceng a jo ducu,
Waweko jami me lobo man ducu,
Wan walelo dong ikomi.

Ateteni yin i laro,
Jo ame gin ageno yin keken,
Jo ame gibino wakere,
jo ame yenyi gi bino yeng.

Wa cam wunu cam me kwo,
Wan ogoro wunu omito apita,
Wan omato naka remo mere,
Ma kweo orio ma cirowa.

Ka wan olokere boti,
Ibino bedo ka weo wa atwal,
Wan obedo kede lelo boti,
Ke itye kede wa obino yeng.

Bin ba wek ina wa boti,
Wek pe wa bed ka gale ilobo man,
Ryeny i colpiny matye ilobo,
Wek wa ba wa nen dong wangi.

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