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Yecu yin ceng me cunya,
In lalar mera me amaro,
Ceng meri oryen ka ngeta,
Piny me col piny owek uma.

Yecu in makuru cunya,
Gwoka idyewor ka anino,
Ibed keda iwor matin,
Gwoka naka ka piny oru.

Ka pwod ru anino apari,
Kit macol in mara kede,
Tic marac duc an adago,
Rwot in ma myero awori.

Odiko naka icing ducu,
Bed keda ikabedo ducu,
Yin imaro otino ni,
Ibed keda pe iweka.

Kony jo marem ki two ma lit,
Ki jo ma pe gi twero nino,
Cang two ma komgi ki cunyi,
Ikony jo ni ki bot catan.

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