Wu pak Rwot madit, ma malo twatwal,
Wa wer ki yom cuny, nipako won ker.
Gwoko wan dano ni ya con ki con,
En bedo ki deyo, Wa jole ki wer.
Wa ti tu twer mere, wa weru bene,
Oruke ki ceng, ot mere polo,
Pongo dang lobo, ki jami mapol,
Ma beco, ma miyo wa uro didik.
Leb pe twero tito ber pa la cwec,
Ma ryeny I dye ceng, ma pongo yamo,
Ma mol ko wi godi, ma umo wi piny.
Ma konyo wa bene ki toyo ki koto.
Wan dano wanyap,
wan apua keken wa geni,
Ai Rwot, in pe bwolawa,
Pien in lakica, wa geni ma tek,
Laket wa, lagwok wa, larem wa Lalar.
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