Kwano gin acoa yenyo gin acoa,
Moyo lalar inino ducu,
Yele me niango, ilok me aura,
Gin duc ma gi coo i Baibul.
Wot ipenyi Rwot rik ciko,
Peny gi pi Rwot kede pira,
Go dog ot kica ka pwod twolo,
Kama me gi timo kica iye.
Kwan gin acoa, yeny gin acoa,
Moyo yo ma woto i polo,
Tem tuno iboma ma dongo ducu,
Gin duc ma gi co i baibul.
Yeny gin acoa, kwan gin acoa,
Tem nyuti jo Rwot wa Yecu,
Lal kop man ma mit ma rik gi coyo,
Gin duc ma gi coo i Baibul.
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