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Wapwoyi pi ni gwoko wa,
Pi ni dokoro piny macol,
Wa kwai ni miyo wa gum,
Kobedi dong ma piny oru.

Ikom nino man manyen ni,
Igwokowa ikom gin marac,
Macalo wan jo matino,
Imiyowa ni loyo rac.

Ka wa bitiyo tic mewa,
Tic ma ditto ki ma tino,
Wa wek niparo nikato,
Jo mukene luwotwa.

Myerowa niporo ducu,
En ma okwongo maro wa,
En won deyo ki pak me wa,
En ma myero wa mi deyo.

Wan kit eno ka waneno,
Wakonyo Yecu watingo,
Yataria mewa dong tin,
Wek wan dang walub yore.

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