Ngolo kop arok ducu
Otuno ikare me ngolo kop,
Ceng ma Rwot bi bedo ikom,
i cing tung cem pa papawa
Rwot bino ngolo kop arok ducu
Malaika biwero,
' Halleluya'
jo makwo ki jo muto
gi bi pako nyinge. x[2]
Arik koma lit wun pe i lima wuno
Rwot wan oneni kwene ame rik komi lit?
Arik atye ibuc wun pe ilima wunu,
Rwot wan oneni kwene ame itye ibuc?
Arik kec oneka wun pe imia wuno cem,
Rwot wan oneni kwene ame kec oneki?
Rik atye onoro wun pe iruka wunu
Rwot wan oneni kwene arik itye onoro?
( bye wuno) bye wuno ba jo ame
papa omio gi winyo,
Gam wuno loc ame oyiki wu geye iyi
Acaki piny. x[2]
Arik koma lit wun pe i lima wuno,
Rwot wan oneni kwene ape ote miyi.
Arik atye ibuc wun pe ilima wunu,
Rwot wan oneni kwene pe ote limi.
Arik kec oneka wun pe imia wuno cem,
Rwot wan oneni kwene pe ote miyi cem.
Rik atye onoro wun pe iruka wunu,
Rwot wan oneni awene ape ote ruki.
( jer wunu )wun jo ame oceno
Ya wuno oko inyima
Wot wuno imac ame oyiki
Catan kede omalaika mere. x[2]
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