In ma i koka an, apwoyo ber meri,
Lubanga yin aye kit gum ducu ya ki boti,
Lubanga yin aye kit gum ducu ya ki boti.
Yin ma iketo an kwo na ducu meri,
Lubanga mera myero an a paki yin bene,
Lubanga mera myero an a pa-ki yin bene.
Rwot abimiyi ngo? jami ducu meri,
Abi miyi cunya macalo motta an acan.
Abi miyi cunya macalo mota an acan.
Akwayo kica ni oponga ki teko,
Nimaro mera ducu obedi bala meri,
Nimaro mera ducu obedi, ba-la meri.
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