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Ceng ma wan wawe ki yom cuny
Nino, me kuc madwong,
Can ki kumu ducu waweko,
Nino maber twatwal,
Inino no jo ducu, ma maro Rwot Yecu,
Gicokere karacel, ki pako Lubanga.

Nino pa Rwot wa Yecu,
Ma en rik oyero,
Calo, poto me nget pii,
Pi bedo kare ducu,
Pi ma ngic ma kweo cuny,
Ikareme oro,
Calo wa tye iwi got, waneno kanani.

Man weo maber maromo,
Yomo cunywa twatwal,
Pi nimaro Rwot Yecu,
Wa neno tung bote,
En miyo teko ne,
Ma twero tiyo duc,
Wa kwayi mi otuni, Ipaconi malo.

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