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Kwandanyon ne mi kipsengwet
Ingotililit kaineng 'ung'
Ingoyaiak en ng'wony mageng'ung'
Gonech rani amitwogik
Che bo ra agoi koigeny. x2

Jesu ko konetindet
Kiganet alamayenyin
Sautik che bo iman
Noton anyun osa ko u ni
Kwandanyon ne mi kipsengwet
Ingotililit kaineng'ung'
Amun neng'ung' bounatet
Ak kamuktaet tugul. x2

Ak inyoiywech kaat lelutik
Ko u ye kinyochini kaat
Amemutech ole mi yomset
Ago sorwech en che yaachen
Amun neng'ung' torornatet. x2

Amun neng'ung' bounatet
Ak kamuktaet tugul
Ak torornatet tugul
Koboch keny agoi koigeny
Koboch keny agoi koigeny
Ko neng'ung' torornatet. x2

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